In a hurry to change the way your senior living community operates and gets things done? Then you might want to consider the following 10 principles of change. They were compiled by authors John Jones, DeAnne Aguirre and Matthew Calderone in a recent strategy+business newsletter.

These 10 principles offer a systematic framework for harried executives who plan to improve themselves and the organizations they serve. Here they are:

  1. Systematically address the “human side” of what needs to be done.
  2. Begin at the top of the organization, not the bottom.
  3. Get every layer of the organization involved in change.
  4. Make the formal case that delivers a road map for change.
  5. Create ownership among top leaders in the firm.
  6. When in doubt, over-communicate the message.
  7. Take the cultural landscape into account.
  8. Directly address culture.
  9. Get ready for the unexpected.
  10. Speak to people at the individual level.

The authors add that although no single methodology fits every company, this set of practices can help leaders better master the “soft” side of change management.