Average monthly assisted living costs nationwide range from $4,136 for a studio apartment to $5,148 for a two-bedroom unit, but costs vary greatly based on location, according to the results of Lincoln Financial Group’s annual What Care Costs study, released Tuesday.

For a studio apartment in assisted living, the most expensive state, based on average cost, is New Hampshire, at $5,095 per month or $61,140 per year. The least expensive state is Louisiana, at $3,117 per month or $37,404 per year. The national average of $4,136 per month calculates to $49,632 per year.

For a one-bedroom unit in assisted living, the most expensive state, based on average cost, is New Jersey, at $6,948 per month or $83,376 per year. The least expensive state is South Dakota, at $3,566 per month or $42,792 per year. The national average is $4,730 per month, or $56,760 per year.

For a two-bedroom unit in assisted living, the most expensive state, based on average cost, is Arizona, at $7,755 per month or $93,060 per year. The least expensive state is Mississippi, at $3,870 per month or $46,440 per year. The national average of $5,148 per month translates to $61,776 per year.

The whatcarecosts.com/Lincoln website includes long-term-care cost information for home health aides, assisted living communities and skilled nursing facilities for states and metropolitan areas across the country. Data can be sorted by type of care and geography. To see the data, enter the code “Lincoln” in the upper right corner of the site.

The survey represents responses from more than 30,000 providers.