The final deadline for the receipt of nominations for the 2021 McKnight’s Women of Distinction awards is now here. Submit yours by midnight tonight.

Women can be nominated in three categories:

  • Hall of Honor for senior-level professionals.
  • Veteran VIPs for candidates with more than 15 years of experience and at a level lower than vice president or its equivalent.
  • Rising Stars for candidates who are 40 or younger or have fewer than 15 years of experience in the profession.

Nominators should be prepared to share detailed information about nominees’ work histories, exceptional achievements and contributions or service, and anything else that the judging panel should consider.

All honorees, including a lifetime achievement award winner, will be celebrated at a virtual awards event in May that also will include continuing education sessions. Additional details about the event will be announced at a later date.

For more information, and to nominate someone, visit this website.

Read about 2018 and 2019 programs and awardees here.