Robyn Stone, DrPH, senior vice president for research at LeadingAge and executive director of the LeadingAge Center for Applied Research, has been named to the Institute of Medicine’s Board on Health Sciences Policy.

The board oversees several activities focused on encouraging and sustaining biomedical and clinical research programs designed to improve public health. Stone’s board appointment begins immediately and runs through Dec. 31, 2017. She was elected a member of the IOM in October.

Stone has more than 35 years of service to long-term care research and aging policy, serving the White House as deputy assistant secretary for disability, aging and long-term care policy, and as acting assistant secretary for aging in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the Clinton administration. She also was a senior researcher at the National Center for Health Services as well as at Project Hope’s Center for Health Affairs. Stone also was on the staff of the 1989 Bipartisan Commission on Comprehensive Health Care and the 1993 Clinton Administration’s Task Force on Health Care Reform.