staff in PPE conducting COVID test

LeadingAge last week sent a series of letters to key congressional committee chairs, urging them to move quickly on adopting COVID-19 relief measures “that address the dangers the pandemic has posed to older adults.”

Katie Smith Sloan is president and
CEO of LeadingAge.

LeadingAge’s requests include, as part of the Provider Relief Fund (PRF), an additional $120 billion in financial relief to address the current needs of all healthcare providers stemming from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Receiving the letter were the Committees on Financial Services, Ways & Means,  Energy & Commerce, Education & Labor, and Small Business.

A total of $40 billion–$50 billion of that $120 billion should be earmarked for aging services providers — especially if the costs related to testing, personal protective equipment and vaccines are not otherwise covered by the federal government, the letter said. The letter goes on to state that providers should be able to use the PRF for up to six months after the pandemic ends to help providers return to pre-pandemic service levels.