American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living logo

Assisted living members of the National Center for Assisted Living will have access to state survey inspection data through NCAL’s new partnership with CarePrepare. NCAL is incorporating the data into its data-tracking software, Long Term Care Trend Tracker.

“An assisted living community’s state survey is an important indicator of its overall performance, but it is even more meaningful when providers can see how their survey compares to the rest of the state,” NCAL Executive Director Scott Tittle said in a statement. “When providers are aware of how their peers are doing, it further incentivizes quality improvement and survey compliance. We are proud to partner with CarePrepare to offer assisted living providers more information that will enhance the lives of residents and help providers stay competitive.”

Currently, survey data from 29 states will be incorporated into LTC Trend Tracker, covering 85% of assisted living communities, NCAL said. More states will be added.

Assisted living users will receive the data through an existing quarterly report generated by the software, offering their community’s performance on the main categories of survey deficiency in relation to the state average, among other quality and performance data. CarePrepare compiles the data from available state regulatory websites and through requests to state agencies. The company then classifies the raw survey findings into main categories and subcategories.

LTC Trend Tracker will offer aggregate results for up to eight main categories: administration, dietary, environment, life safety, quality of care, resident satisfaction, staff training and other.