Senior Woman With Crutch Get Support
(Credit: Hinterhaus Productions / Getty Images)
Senior Woman With Crutch Get Support
(Credit: Hinterhaus Productions / Getty Images)

As older adults face the prospect of needing assistance with daily activities in the future, few have given much thought to how they will continue to live independently, according to a new AARP survey.

According to the results of the organization’s “Long-Term Care Readiness” survey, 68% of older adults believe they will need assistance with their daily activities at some point, but only 28% have given much thought to how they will continue to live independently if they need that assistance.

A recent National Poll on Healthy Aging found a similar lack of planning among older adults, presenting an opportunity for senior living providers. 

Attitudes on needing assistance varied by age in the AARP survey, with 74% of those 65 and older indicating they likely will need assistance, compared with 64% of respondents aged 50 to 64. The 65-and-older group also gave more thought to how they will live independently, with 31% indicating they had given it a lot of thought and 48% indicating they had given it some thought, compared with 25% and 47%, respectively, of respondents 50 to 64.

Not being able to continue living independently (63%), and potentially becoming a burden to family members (62%), were the top two concerns noted by the older adults. Slightly fewer said they are concerned about savings (59%), living in assisted living or a nursing home (58%), or not being able to remain at home (57%). 

Respondents aged 65 and older were more likely than other respondents to be concerned about not being able to live independently as they age and about becoming a burden on family (64%) and needing to live in an assisted living community or nursing home (63%). 

But the COVID-19 pandemic had little effect on thoughts about independent living. Sixty-two percent of those aged 60 and older said they think about how to live independently as they age — about the same as two years ago — with 30% indicating that they are thinking about it more often now. 

Planning for the future also varied among age groups. 

Adults 65 and older were more likely to have written a will (65%), designated a legal power of attorney for healthcare and finances (57%), planned with their families about how they will be cared for as they age (32%), set aside funding to pay for that care (31%) and researched community-based services (22%).

The AARP surveyed 1,011 U.S. adults 50 and older Dec. 9 to 13 to gauge attitudes and behaviors related to long-term care planning.