McKnight’s Senior Living earned a national Azbee Award at the American Society of Business Publication Editors annual conference Thursday at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, FL.

Senior Editor Lois A. Bowers was honored with a Silver Award in the “Blogs – How-to/Tips/Service” category for the second consecutive year. The three columns of the entry addressed how to prevent financial elder abuse, how to combat depression and suicide in assisted living, and how senior living operators can achieve high scores and positive reviews on online ratings sites.

The ASBPE Azbee Awards recognize outstanding work by business-to-business, trade, association and professional media brands, covering magazines, newsletters and digital media.

In less than a year since the former McKnight’s Assisted Living expanded from a print-only vehicle to the McKnight’s Senior Living brand (which since August 2015 also includes a website, daily e-newsletter and social media presence), it has earned a variety of awards.

They include a Gold Award and two Silver Awards in the Upper Midwest Region of the ASBPE competition, in the “Blogs – How-to/Tips/Service” and “Blogs – Analysis/Commentary” categories.

In addition, McKnight’s Senior Living has garnered:

  • A Platinum Award in the “Website Overall – Business to Business” category and a Gold Award in the “Design – Publication Overall” category in the 2016 Hermes Creative Awards, an international competition.
  • A national Silver Award in the “Best Website/Online Presence of a Publication” category in the 2016 ASHPE Awards of the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors.
  • Three Awards of Excellence — for newsletter writing, new website and news writing — in the 2016 Awards for Publication Excellence (APEX).