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McKnight’s Senior Living editors and writers have won four journalism awards in the 2024 Awards for Publication Excellence competition, known as the APEX Awards.

Editor Lois A. Bowers and Content Editor Kimberly Bonvissuto shared a Grand Award, the highest-level award given in the contest, for “Quality, safety, accountability vital, industry leaders say, as Washington Post report cites deaths at ‘dangerously understaffed’ communities,” an article written by Bowers with additional reporting by Bonvissuto. The article detailed a package published in the Washington Post about assisted living and memory care community residents who had eloped and died — and industry reaction to it.

Additionally, the brand won three Awards of Excellence:

  • McKnight’s Senior Living editors and writers were recognized in the Writing – Magazines, Journals & Tabloids for articles that appeared in the print magazine.
  • Bowers was recognized in the Feature Writing category for “COVID, workforce, financial issues confront senior living providers as 2023 starts, leaders say.” The winning article featured interviews with several industry leaders about pressing issues — and possible solutions — facing the industry as the new year got underway.
  • Bowers also was honored in the Public Concerns & Trending Topics category for “CMS’ HCBS access rule adds burdens, industry says.” The article, published in the July/August 2023 print issue of McKnight’s Senior Living, covered a rule proposed by the federal government to change the way assisted living providers spend Medicaid dollars they receive as well as establish quality measures for the care they provide to beneficiaries.

“As we continue to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the launch of the McKnight’s Senior Living print magazine, it’s fitting that the brand in all of its present forms once again has been recognized for the outstanding efforts of our staff and contributors,” McKnight’s Editorial Director and Associate Publisher John O’Connor said.

The 36th annual APEX Awards, sponsored by Communications Concepts, garnered more than 1,100 entries from around the world. The awards recognize “excellence in graphic design, editorial content, and the ability to achieve overall communications excellence.” Organizers said that this year’s competition was “exceptionally intense.” Work completed during 2023 was eligible for recognition.

The awards bring the total honors received by McKnight’s Senior Living so far in 2024 to 14. The brand has been named on a total of 176 journalism awards, including 28 APEX Awards, since 2016, the first year the brand started regularly entering the competition after the former McKnight’s Assisted Living changed its name and expanded on its print publication, adding a website, daily e-newsletter, social media and other offerings.

Sister brands McKnight’s Long-Term Care News, which focuses on skilled nursing, and McKnight’s Home Care also were recognized in the 2024 APEX Awards competition.