Two serious players in the home care market teamed up recently. Encompass Health, which has inpatient rehabilitation facilities, home health and hospice, and Right at Home, provider of in-home care and assistance with hundreds of locations across the country, this week announced a preferred provider relationship to better meet the needs of home health patients and their families. The relationship, which has been in effect since the fourth quarter of 2020, allows for collaboration opportunities for value-based delivery models focused on quality outcomes. 

“In order to meet the rapidly evolving needs of our patients, we must have fully integrated preferred provider relationships with innovative and tech-enabled companies like Right at Home,” said Bud Langham, chief strategy and innovation officer for Encompass Health’s home health segment.

Kerin Zuger, chief of strategic growth at Right at Home LLC added, “Our relationship with Encompass Health allows us a unique opportunity to break down the walls and change the way post-acute providers have historically worked together. We are excited to see our efforts with Encompass Health come to fruition in this highly collaborative, patient-centered endeavor.”