sick elderly person, death with dignity

Doctors would be allowed to prescribe lethal medication to terminally ill people in Maryland under legislation that was introduced in the Maryland state legislature.

“This is the year it’s going to happen,” said Shane E. Pendergras (D), the bill’s lead sponsor in the House of Delegates. The proposal has failed three previous times.

Among the revisions for this measure: a patient would be required to ask three times for the procedure, including a written request along with two witnesses, one of whom may not be a family member who could profit from the patient’s death. Nor can the prescription be self-administered. Physicians who oppose this option would not be required to write prescriptions. In addition, new criminal provisions would deter people from falsifying requests, Pendergrass noted.

Sen. William Smith (D), is the bill’s sponsor in the Senate. Smith said that nearly two-thirds of the state’s residents support the option.

Physician-assisted suicide is now legal in seven states and the District of Columbia. Supporters argue the option gives a measure of control and peace of mind. Opponents counter that it puts vulnerable populations at risk.