Robert Kramer headshot
Robert G. Kramer

Data and analytics are “revolutionizing” senior living, founder and strategic adviser to the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care Robert Kramer wrote Tuesday in a blog post

In the fifth piece of a six-part series, Kramer identified data and analytics as key drivers that will shape the senior living industry over the next 10 years.

“It’s important to note that investments in technology are critical to the future success of both individual companies and our entire industry. Technology will be key in the challenge to stay competitive,” he wrote. “Senior living providers need a tech platform to capture data and deploy predictive analytics to create customized solutions. It’s these customized solutions that will drive real value for investors, owners, operators and customers.”

According to Kramer, data and analytics will:

  • Ensure the delivery of customized healthcare paths for the individual.
  • Deliver customized business strategies, including the formation of essential partnerships as well as strategic growth plans by market.
  • Provide a customized resident experience, which will allow providers to provide a superior product, focused on personalized experiences.