US capital cities on map series: Providence, Rhode Island, RI
(Credit: Ilbusca / Getty Images)

A coalition of assisted living communities and associations, government agencies, policymakers and nonprofit organizations is launching a campaign with a dedicated job board and outreach effort to encourage members of Rhode Island’s workforce to consider the opportunities in assisted living.

The Hands-on Health Careers campaign, officially launching Sept. 9, is targeting a need for skilled caregivers to meet the increasing demand for quality assisted living care. According to the Rhode Island Assisted Living Association — it’s Senior Living Institute is launching the campaign — the state’s older adult population is projected to increase from 23% of the total population today to 75% of the total population over the next 30 years.

“Step into an assisted living facility and you’ll witness the incredible teamwork that makes these communities exceptional,” RIALA Executive Director Hanan Babikir said in a statement. “By joining the assisted living sector, Rhode Islanders have the chance to be part of this fulfilling mission, making a profound impact on the well-being and quality of life for our elderly population.”

The nurses, caregivers, activity coordinators, nutritionists and housekeepers in the sector create a supportive and enrichment environment for older adults, she said.

“This collaborative effort goes beyond meeting daily needs; it builds a vibrant, nurturing community where seniors can truly thrive,” Babikir said.

The statewide digital initiative was developed in collaboration with the Governor’s Workforce Board of Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Department of Health, the Rhode Island Health Care Association, LeadingAge Rhode Island, CareLink (a nonprofit healthcare network) and local assisted living communities. The campaign will feature a dedicated job board and coordinated outreach efforts to connect job-seekers with career opportunities in assisted living. 

Recorded public service announcements from key state legislators — including Speaker of the House Rep. K. Joseph Shekarchi (D-Warwick), Lt. Gov. Sabina Matos (D), Sen. Valarie J. Lawson (D-East Providence) and Rep. Seth Magaziner (D-Providence) — also will be used to encourage members of the public to consider careers in assisted living.