As employers strive to fill positions in a competitive market, artificial intelligence may play an expanded role in the hiring process, according to Paycor’s recently published HR in 2025: Insights & Predictions report.

The human capital management company, which serves the long-term care and other industries, surveyed more than 7,000 human resources, finance and IT professionals online between April and May to gather their input on the future of HR. 

“AI will soon become a must-have in the recruiting process, and onboarding will become even more important as workers with less tenure [two years or less] are 38% more likely to quit,” Paycor said.

Almost half (46%) of the HR professionals surveyed said they have been at their jobs for fewer than two years.

“In the coming year, smart companies will invest in an extended, more robust onboarding experience for newer hires in general and new HR professionals specifically,” according to the report.

Respondents cited recruiting challenges such as difficulty in finding quality workers, convincing candidates to accept offers and managing the hiring process, onboarding and communicating with job-seekers throughout the process.

“To compete in an environment of talent scarcity, AI will soon become a must-have in the recruiting process, as it will allow companies to optimize their search for talent and widen their net to attract active and passive candidates,” Paycor said.