Mark Parkinson, president and CEO of the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living, has been named to The Hill’s Top Lobbyists 2015 – Associations list. It is his third consecutive time being recognized by the publication.

“Those named to this year’s list have climbed to the top of their profession, demonstrating an ability to influence Washington’s power brokers on behalf of the interest groups, corporations and industries they represent,” the media outlet says. Parkinson, a former governor of Kansas, was singled out for AHCA’s efforts supporting a replacement for the Medicare sustainable growth rate formula tied to physician compensation.

Other healthcare-associated honorees:

  • Richard Deem, American Medical Association
  • James Greenwood, Biotechnology Industry Organization
  • Jeremy Allen and Erik Komendant, America’s Health Insurance Plans
  • Chip Kahn, Federation of American Hospitals
  • Mark Merritt, Pharmaceutical Care Management Association 
  • John Rother, National Coalition on Health Care
  • J.C. Scott, AdvaMed
  • Stephen Ubl, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
  • Richard Umbdenstock, American Hospital Association

Nancy LeaMond, AARP’s executive vice president, was named to the “grassroots group” list of top lobbyists.