Neil Gulsvig
Neil Gulsvig

Neil Gulsvig, immediate past chairman of the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Board of Directors, has received the inaugural Not for Profit Trustee of the Year award from the Not for Profit Council of the American Health Care Association and National Center For Assisted Living.

“The entire profession appreciates Neil’s unwavering service to advancing person-centered care and improving the lives of frail and vulnerable individuals,” AHCA/NCAL President and CEO Mark Parkinson said in presenting the award Oct. 6 in San Antonio at the organization’s annual conference.

Gulsvig, who is CEO of Align and Living Life Solutions, was selected to receive the award for executing the functions of the Good Samaritan Society’s board, fostering effective board practices, showing a passion toward the organization’s mission and being willing to devote the time and energy necessary to help the organization be successful. He served two years as chairman at the Good Samaritan Society, preceded by four years in various committee leadership roles. The organization offers assisted living, memory care, seniors housing and other services at more than 240 locations across the country.

“Neal’s decades-long service to seniors in this country is evident to all who have worked with him and know him,” said David J. Horazdovsky, president and CEO of the Good Samaritan Society. “He has been a great innovator in a number of areas, including quality measurement and care delivery.”

Gulsvig’s 35-year career spans many aspects of senior services and long-term care. He perhaps is best known for his years leading My InnerView’s effort to promote and encourage the use of customer and staff satisfaction surveys in assisted living communities and skilled nursing centers.