Mark Parkinson headshot
Mark Parkinson
Mark Parkinson headshot
AHCA / NCAL President and CEO Mark Parkinson

When it comes to COVID-19 federal aid, the seniors housing and care sector is getting shortchanged. So claims one of the nation’s largest eldercare organizations.

The American Health Care Association / National Center for Assisted Living’s rebuke came Tuesday morning in the wake of a Government Accountability Office report that reveals where these funds are being funneled.

More than $1.2 trillion in relief had been directed to individuals, businesses, healthcare and state and local governments by the end of May, the GAO found. But only $7.5 billion in direct funding has gone to the nation’s 15,000 nursing facilities. Worse, the nation’s 40,000 assisted living communities have yet to receive any aid.

Mark Parkinson, AHCA / NCAL president and CEO, said the discrepancy is alarming, considering the disproportionate damage the coronavirus has inflicted on the eldercare sector.