Mark Mochel headshot
Mark Mochel

Significant challenges exist in the intricate landscape of senior living providers, where staff members and residents rely on the optimal performance of infrastructure assets. Simply put, it is almost impossible to deliver care and services in a building that isn’t functioning properly. Budget constraints, labor shortages, new regulations and the never-ending demands of providing clean and safe spaces and services underscore the critical need for strategic infrastructure investment.

This article will explore the transformative power of data-driven decision-making for the management of senior living communities.

Macro-economic hurdles and aging infrastructure

One constant theme among managers of senior living communities is the effect of macro-economic factors. Inflation, disruptions in the supply chain and ongoing economic challenges continue to cast a shadow over the industry’s profitability. As managers navigate the intricacies of this reality, the difficulty of securing operational and capital budgets is more difficult than ever. As C-suite leaders discuss those economic obstacles, aging infrastructure is notably missing from the conversation, a concern that remains underestimated or misunderstood in its criticality to operations.

To address those challenges, it is imperative that facilities managers and decision-makers fully understand the consequences associated with underfunding building improvements and replacing aging assets. Teams must find a way to bridge the gap between the traditional approach to budget allocation and the indispensable role that strategic infrastructure investments play in ensuring long-term viability, efficiency and resident care. Simply put, aging infrastructure increases risk.

The struggle of budget constraints and labor shortages

The COVID-19 pandemic intensified the financial strain on assisted living and other senior living communities, resulting in frozen or reduced capital investments. Simultaneously, staff reductions and cost-cutting measures have created a labor shortage, impacting both capital and operational budgets. In this environment, the importance of maintaining existing assets efficiently becomes paramount. The question arises: How can facilities managers advocate for necessary asset repairs or replacements amid constrained budgets and a skilled labor shortage?

Facilities managers must put a concerted effort into strategically shifting toward preventive maintenance, and one way to do this is by implementing technology that can collect and track data on the assets and infrastructure of the facility. One solution is adopting a computerized maintenance management system, or CMMS, to collect, track and analyze community data. Better yet, asset investment planning, or AIP, software takes data tracking one step further by helping leaders make decisions informed by data, including creating a clear, long-term financial plan and prioritizing capital investments. Although some leaders initially may hesitate due to the perceived costs of this technology, the key lies in aligning asset data tracking with broader initiatives such as energy reduction, decarbonization, life safety and a viable environment of care. This transforms the narrative from infrastructure asset management to a holistic approach that addresses broader business outcomes.

Adopt data-driven decision making

Central to overcoming those challenges is the role data plays in decision-making. The adoption of preventive maintenance strategies and asset management software enables communities to collect and track data on their assets. These data becomes a powerful tool for justifying ongoing budget needs and demonstrating the value of efficient resource deployment.

Communities experience additional benefits, such as prolonged equipment lifespan, allowing facility leaders to gain a seat at the strategic decision-making table. This fosters collaborative engagement and a cultural shift where infrastructure investment is as critical as input into the care and comfortability of the community’s residents.

Integrate and innovate with technology

As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, senior living communities find themselves at a crossroads. When operators integrate smart technologies and the internet of things into facility management systems, it presents the organization with a golden opportunity to revolutionize the monitoring, maintenance and optimization of assets.

There is an undeniable synergy between data-driven decision-making and technologic advancements. Smart sensors embedded in critical infrastructure components can collect real-time data continuously, offering insights into performance metrics, energy consumption patterns and potential maintenance needs. With this wealth of information, facilities managers are empowered to make informed decisions, aligning with the overarching goal of preventive maintenance and cost-effective resource utilization.

Seek the human element and stakeholder collaboration

Although data and technology are pivotal in redefining facility management, it is essential not to overlook the human element. It is paramount to nurture a culture of collaboration between facilities management teams, healthcare and aid professionals, and administrative staff. The seamless integration of these diverse skill sets fosters a holistic approach to problem-solving and ensures that facility management decisions align with the broader organizational objectives.

To this end, effective communication channels and cross-functional collaboration platforms become indispensable. Facilities managers should actively engage with the senior living community’s frontline professionals to understand their evolving needs, aligning facility management strategies with the dynamic nature of resident care. By creating a shared vision and collaborative framework, communities can overcome challenges more effectively, promoting a culture where every stakeholder recognizes the important role optimal facility management plays in delivering quality services to residents of all abilities.

Forge strategic partnerships: A gateway to success

In the pursuit of redefining facility management, strategic partnerships also emerge as a powerful tool. Collaborating with industry experts, technology providers and sustainability consultants can provide facilities managers with invaluable insights and resources. Those partnerships extend beyond conventional vendor-client relationships into collaborative efforts focused on achieving mutual success.

Facilities managers can leverage external expertise to navigate complex challenges, stay abreast of technologic advancements and gain access to specialized knowledge. Further, strategic partnerships can open doors to innovative funding models, allowing communities to overcome budget constraints and invest in transformative initiatives. The collective knowledge and resources pooled through this collaboration puts senior living communities on a path toward sustained success.

Paving the way forward

Looking ahead, facilities managers must advocate for a paradigm shift in how facility management is perceived, by redefining it as a business problem rather than an engineering, operations or maintenance challenge. It’s about more than maintaining the physical infrastructure; it also is about optimizing resources, mitigating risks and contributing directly to the organization’s overall success. By embracing this perspective, facilities managers can position themselves as integral contributors to the business strategy, earning the respect and recognition they deserve.

Further, the focus must extend beyond immediate challenges to the broader goals of sustainability and environmental responsibility. Facilities must ensure the efficiency of their operations and align with global initiatives for energy reduction and decarbonization. Here, the role of data becomes even more pronounced, providing insights into the environmental impact of facility operations and guiding decisions that contribute to a sustainable future. Senior living communities will continue to face significant challenges, but the path ahead lies in preventive maintenance, leveraging asset data and redefining facility management as a business imperative. Through those strategic shifts, organizations can navigate challenges, optimize resources and ensure the continuity of clean and safe facilities for both staff and residents.

Mark Mochel, MBA, CHFM, PMP, ACABE, is a strategic account executive at Brightly, a Siemens company. Before joining Brightly, he was a co-founder and senior vice president at Facility Health Inc., where he was instrumental in introducing new infrastructure investment solutions and benchmarking capabilities to the senior living and healthcare industries. Mochel has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue University and an MBA from the University of Michigan. He has held executive leadership roles in multiple verticals, providing a unique perspective on the challenges of validating infrastructure investment needs in critical facilities. As an advocate for strategic asset management and a candidate for the ASHE national advisory board, Mochel is enthusiastic about sharing his experience with all who serve in, and are served by, the environment of care.

The opinions expressed in each McKnight’s Senior Living marketplace column are those of the author and are not necessarily those of McKnight’s Senior Living.

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