Lynne Moore headshot
Lynne Moore

Q. Is intergenerational living improving perceptions of senior housing?

A: Intergenerational living is a growing trend that is influencing the development of new senior living models. This intergenerational programming brings together people of all ages in an environment that encourages interaction, socialization and activities that are beneficial for all.

All indications are that many aspects of this approach are proving to be appealing to the next generation of senior living consumers. For aging baby boomers, who appreciate many aspects of senior living, the prospect of only “living with old people” is becoming less inviting. Intergenerational programming may help neutralize or eliminate this objection of theirs to moving into a senior living community.

For older adults, the benefits of intergenerational living include decreased isolation/loneliness, better health outcomes, more engagement in activities and a renewed sense of belonging, self-worth and fulfillment. Meanwhile, members of younger generations can get needed attention from positive role models, develop new skills and gain self-esteem from helping the older adults. They also can learn empathy and tolerance as they observe and learn about the challenges of the aging process. For all generations, intergenerational programming can help dispel stereotypes, because everyone has much to give and learn from each other.

Many senior living providers are implementing intergenerational programming in some form, and developers are planning to incorporate this programming into their future new developments. Options can include:

  • education/mentoring programs,
  • lifestyle/wellness programs,
  • fitness/exercise,
  • nutrition,
  • volunteer services,
  • assisted living,
  • adult day services,
  • child care and
  • an array of activities designed to be appropriate for participation by all ages.

Challenges remain in implementing intergenerational living, and more experience and knowledge are needed to develop practical, replicable models nationally.

Senior living will continue to evolve, inspired by today’s intergenerational communities and the emerging preferences of future consumers.

Lynne Moore is president of MDS Research Company Inc., a national senior living and healthcare consulting firm based in Fort Worth, TX, that has been serving clients for more than 50 years. MDS is a two-generation company — she is following in Jim Moore’s footsteps. Lynne Moore is responsible for all MDS market research-related projects involving all aspects of senior living and healthcare. She may be reached at (817) 731-4266 or [email protected].

The opinions expressed in each McKnight’s Senior Living guest column are those of the author and are not necessarily those of McKnight’s Senior Living.

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