Amir Baniassadi headshot
Amir Baniassadi, PhD

Understanding the intricate connection between sleep, the environment and the well-being of older adults has become a crucial focus as we explore the multifaceted dynamics of aging.

The vital role of sleep

Sleep is an essential cornerstone of overall health and daily functionality. As we age, our sleep patterns naturally shift, potentially leading to fragmented sleep and earlier waking times. Those changes are more than mere inconveniences; they can profoundly affect cognitive function, physical health and overall quality of life. Disrupted sleep can contribute to memory problems, increased fall risk and a decline in everyday activities. It can even affect mood and well-being. Consequently, unraveling the factors influencing sleep quality in older adults is pivotal for a more fulfilling aging experience.

Temperature’s effect

Interestingly, sleep tends to be more restorative and effortless in cooler environments, driven by our biological tendencies. As body temperature naturally drops at night, it aids in initiating and maintaining sleep. Warmer sleep environments, however, can disrupt this natural cooling process, disturbing sleep patterns.

My recent research delved into the relationship between biological sleep rhythms and ambient temperatures, with a specific focus on how nighttime temperatures affect sleep quality in older adults.

Monitoring sleep quality and ambient temperatures over 18 months among 50 older adults — many residing in a Hebrew SeniorLife community — revealed a critical insight. Optimal sleep quality was experienced when room temperatures ranged between 68 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Sleep quality diminished as temperatures exceeded 75 degrees. Intriguingly, each individual displayed a unique optimal sleep temperature, suggesting personal variations that might evolve over time.

Climate change, urban heat disruptors

Climate change, a term deeply embedded in our modern vernacular, is causing shifts in global weather patterns and temperatures. A lesser-known consequence is the increase in nighttime temperatures, which also can be exacerbated by the fact that urban areas often are warmer at night due to infrastructure replacing green spaces.

Intersecting challenges

The intersection of climate change and sleep quality for older adults is a critical concern. Warmer nights, a result of climate change, can disrupt sleep patterns, posing even greater challenges for aging individuals whose sleep patterns already are susceptible. The potential for sleep disturbances and associated health issues looms larger against the backdrop of climate change.

Strategies for improved sleep

Although the situation presents challenges, solutions are within reach. Adaptive strategies can help mitigate the effects of warmer nights on sleep quality for yourself and for the residents in your care:

  • Personalized sleep temperature: Discover your optimal sleep temperature and adjust your environment accordingly, using fans or air conditioning to maintain comfort.
  • Hydration: Ensure consistent hydration throughout the day, particularly during warmer periods.
  • Breathable sleep attire: Opt for light sleep clothing and bed covers to regulate body temperature.
  • Bedtime rituals: Engage in calming activities before sleep to facilitate rest.
  • Diet consideration: Avoid heavy meals, high-sugar foods and stimulants near bedtime.

Community support, care provider roles

Communities and care providers have essential roles in managing the effects of rising temperatures on sleep quality. Integrating temperature management into care plans and fostering adaptive strategies for independent older adults are crucial steps. With the advent of smart home technology, monitoring and intervention are more accessible.

As we contemplate the implications of climate change, we must reevaluate our approach to urban design and infrastructure. Strategies such as natural shading, openable windows and energy-efficient architecture should take precedence.

The intricate interplay between sleep, ambient temperature and older adults’ well-being demands our focused attention. Recognizing this challenge is the first step. Through awareness, adaptable strategies, community support and investments in climate-resilient environments, we can navigate this complex issue and uphold the quality of life for older adults. In the face of climate change, those actions are not just prudent measures; they are essential adaptations for our collective health and well-being.

Amir Baniassadi, PhD, is a research fellow at Harvard Medical School and a T32 post-doctoral fellow at the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research at Hebrew SeniorLife, working on environmental health, and in particular, the health and well-being of older adults within the built environment.

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