Jen Malloy headshot
Jen Malloy

Is marketing and obtaining qualified leads for your senior living communities a round-the-clock task?

Digital marketing is an intense competition against an ever-changing platform. Search engines constantly change their requirements, and personalizing contacts for potential residents can be time-consuming.

As someone who owns a senior living marketing and public relations agency, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful digital marketing can be for senior living operators. Use the latest marketing tools to help you stay ahead of the never-ending race to reach leads and find time to practice self-care.

Is your senior living community using the latest technology to stay ahead of competitors?

Here are three digital trends to increase lead generation for senior living marketers. 

1. AI writing tools

Artificial intelligence writing is a trend that senior living marketers should embrace. Although not perfect (we still need humans to craft the perfect string of words that gets leads to contact), this tool is becoming more advanced and sophisticated.

One of the main benefits of AI writing tools is that they can generate new ideas and provide fresh perspectives on topics that already may have been covered. Those features can benefit senior living marketers looking to differentiate themselves from competitors in a crowded market.

Content is king, and search engine optimization, or SEO, is the name of the game in digital marketing. AI helps senior living marketers create high-quality content more efficiently and effectively.

Speaking of SEO, organic content is crucial to saving valuable resources and edging out top competitors.

2. SEO-focused content

AI writers (and humans) can produce SEO content that drives organic traffic and reduces the need for spending ad dollars. Targeting keyphrases can improve community visibility on the search engine results pages, or SERPs.

Constant analysis using a keyword research tool is a crucial step our team takes to produce rich SEO content. Use this tool to craft content that targets keywords other competitors may have missed or are underusing. 

Of course, it is not enough to use the phrase “assisted living in fort worth tx” and expect SERP rankings to improve. Keyword research tools are excellent at providing related keyphrases that high-ranking competitors use. Improve organic SEO by using keyphrases in:

  • Websites and URLs
  • Blog heading and subheadings
  • SEO page titles
  • Meta tags
  • Title tags
  • Social media pages
  • GMB profiles

Write for humans first, and speak to your target audience in a way that is easy to understand. Search engines will notice if the content clearly is written to target a particular keyphrase.

Once your community receives more traffic and leads start to increase, it’s time to use tried and true marketing strategies. Use emails to create a personalized experience for leads. Automating those messages makes a world of difference.

3. Email automation

Email automation allows senior living communities to stay in contact with potential leads and facilitate a customer journey. By automating email campaigns, senior living marketers can save time and resources while providing a personalized user experience.

One of the key benefits of email automation is that it allows senior living marketers to segment their email lists based on service interest or urgency. Highly targeted messages are more likely to resonate with the recipient and drive conversions.

For example, a person fills out a form on a website indicating he or she is interested in independent living in six to 12 months. Checking that box can automate emails highlighting the features and benefits of independent living or how to prepare for downsizing. Add leads to invitations for special events, send surveys to get to know them better and ask questions that will keep them engaged.

Community sales directors don’t have to spend additional hours tracking down leads and sending them relevant information. Targeted email automation can continue the sales pitch, build trust and generate conversions. Don’t forget a strong and relevant call to action!

Creating landing pages or downloadable content also can aid in the customer journey of the automated email. Plus, landing pages are another tool for padding website SEO. Include tips, features and benefits to answer consumer questions and build trust. 

Don’t be afraid to embrace technology when marketing to older adults and their families. Streamline advertising efforts to increase and enhance lead generation. Let these trends work round-the-clock for you and your community.

Jen Malloy owns Craft & Communicate, a senior living marketing and public relations agency that generates qualified leads and simplifies digital marketing.

The opinions expressed in each McKnight’s Senior Living guest column are those of the author and are not necessarily those of McKnight’s Senior Living.

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