(HealthDay News) — The US Food and Drug Administration said Thursday it cannot regulate cannabidiol (CBD) supplements because there is not enough evidence on their safety. The agency also called on Congress to create new rules for what has become a burgeoning industry.

“The FDA’s existing foods and dietary supplement authorities provide only limited tools for managing many of the risks associated with CBD products. Given the available evidence, it is not apparent how CBD products could meet safety standards for dietary supplements or food additives,” FDA Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock, MD, said in a statement. “For example, we have not found adequate evidence to determine how much CBD can be consumed, and for how long, before causing harm. Therefore, we do not intend to pursue rule-making allowing the use of CBD in dietary supplements or conventional foods.”

Meanwhile, the FDA has warned some companies about making health claims for the ingredient, which the agency said it plans to continue doing.

How to regulate CBD supplements has become a pressing public health concern as the popularity of CBD supplements has exploded in the United States. Potential rules could include clear labels, regulations regarding contaminants, limits on CBD levels, and minimum purchase age. Some lawmakers, advocates and consumer groups have called for CBD to be allowed in foods and supplements.

“Today’s announcement by the FDA underscores the urgent need for Congress and the Administration to take swift action to modernize federal cannabis policy and regulate CBD and other products appropriately and in harmony with the vast majority of states that have already legalized cannabis in some form,” Aaron Smith, CEO and founder of the National Cannabis Industry Association, said in a statement posted on Twitter.

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