(HealthDay News) — Most adults (83%) are unaware of the signs or symptoms of pancreatic cancer, according to the results of a survey released by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN).

PanCAN sponsored the survey to assess knowledge of signs of pancreatic cancer. The analysis included 1,045 respondents to an online survey conducted between Sept. 30 and Oct. 3, 2022.

According to the results of the survey, only one in six adults (17%) believe they know the signs or symptoms of pancreatic cancer (20% of men and 15% of women). Fewer older adults believe they know the signs than younger adults (13% of those aged 55 years or older versus 20% of adults ages 18 to 34 years). Among adults who believe they know the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer, respondents most often named the following: pain (66%), digestive issues (31%), jaundice (16%) and weight loss (14%).

“Pancreatic cancer symptoms are vague and can be confused with many other abdominal or gastrointestinal issues,” Julie Fleshman, president and CEO of PanCAN, said in a statement.

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