(HealthDay News) — More than half of U.S. adults say they have experienced an increase in sleep disturbances since the beginning of the pandemic, according to survey results published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

The online survey of 2,006 U.S. adults was commissioned by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and was conducted between March 11 and 15, 2021.

The survey revealed that overall, 56% of respondents have experienced “COVID-somnia” sleep disturbances; this number was slightly higher among men than women (59 versus 54%) and among younger people (Gen Z, 59%; Millennials, 64%; Gen X, 59%) versus older adults (baby boomers, 41%; adults 75 years and older, 25%). Top reported sleep disturbances included trouble falling or staying asleep (57%), fewer hours of sleep (46%), worse sleep quality (45%), and an increase in disturbing dreams (36%).

“COVID-somnia can be brought on by multiple stressors: fears about the pandemic, concern for loved ones, financial worries, and limited socialization,” Jennifer Martin, Ph.D., president-elect of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine board of directors, said in a statement. “The best way to get healthy sleep during these unprecedented times is to be intentional about your sleep habits and routines.”

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