(HealthDay News) — Preexisting statin treatment is associated with slightly lower COVID-19 mortality, according to a study published online Oct. 14 in PLOS Medicine.

Rita Bergqvist, from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, and colleagues assessed the relationship between statin treatment initiated before the pandemic and COVID-19 mortality among 963,876 Stockholm residents (ages 45 years or older).

The researchers reported that 17.6% of the patients in the cohort were statin users. COVID-19-related deaths occurred in 0.5% of the statin users and 0.2% of nonusers. In an adjusted analysis, statin treatment was associated with lowered COVID-19 mortality (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.88). This association remained consistent across age groups, sexes, and COVID-19 risk groups.

“Our findings support the continued use of statins for conditions such as cardiovascular disease and high levels of blood lipids in line with current recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic,” a coauthor said in a statement.

One author disclosed financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

Abstract/Full Text