(HealthDay News) — The early COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the United States resulted in almost 140,000 averted COVID-19 deaths as of May 9, 2021, according to a study published online Aug. 18 in Health Affairs.

Sumedha Gupta, Ph.D., from Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis, and colleagues examined the correlation between state-level vaccination rates in the United States and COVID-19 deaths during the first five months of vaccine availability.

The researchers estimated that the U.S. vaccination campaign was associated with a reduction of 139,393 COVID-19 deaths by May 9, 2021. There was variation noted in the association in different states, with vaccinations leading to an estimated 11.7 fewer COVID-19 deaths per 10,000 in New York, whereas Hawaii had the smallest reduction of 1.1 fewer deaths per 10,000. By May 9, 2021, the vaccination-associated reductions in COVID-19 deaths had translated to a statistical life benefit ranging from $625 billion to $1.4 trillion.

“Our study provides support for policies that further expand vaccine administration, which will enable larger populations to benefit,” the authors write.

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