Healthcare providers, including home care agencies, with more than $10,000 in Provider Relief Fund payments have more time than previously announced for reporting how they used the aid, the Department of Health and Human Services announced Friday.

The previous plan called for reporting to start on Jan. 15, with the first deadline for submissions to be Feb. 15. HHS, which attributed the delay in part to requirements of the December-passed Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, which added another $3 billion to the PRF, has not set a new deadline for reporting.  

As HHS updates PRF reporting requirements, the agency encouraged PRF recipients with more than $10,000 in PRF payments to establish a reporting account by registering at the PRF reporting website.

“We are glad to see that the reporting portal is open for providers to register and that the reporting deadlines are delayed. Our hope with the latter is that the incoming administration will have the opportunity to review and reconsider the reporting requirements,” a spokeswoman for LeadingAge told the McKnight’s Home Care Daily. “We believe that further revisions and clarification of those requirements are needed — before reporting begins. Finally, we hope that once the new reporting deadline is established, providers will have ample time to prepare the materials they need to report.”