Tammy Ross headshot
Tammy Ross

Private-duty providers that learn how to expand their agencies’ value propositions with myriad services and programs stand to benefit from Medicare’s Patient-Driven Groupings Model, according to Tammy Ross, senior vice president, professional services, at Axxess, a home healthcare technology company.

“What we’re seeing with PDGM is a shift to value-based care. With our elderly population that need help with daily living, they know about return on investment; they have disposable income and wealth, and they’re willing to spend it on their health in order to remain at home,” Ross said, speaking Wednesday at the National Association for Home Care & Hospice’s virtual Home Care & Conference Expo. “Private duty falls into that value-based care.”

Ross challenged attendees to become better at nonclinical disease management techniques, transitional care and home management.

“There’s so much you can do as you diversify,” she said.