The House passed a $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill on Thursday, but the bill is unlikely to get through the Republican-led Senate and become law, according to reports by CNBC. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has indicated that he would not support any legislation that has a price tag of more than $2 trillion.

The legislation, approved in a 214-207 vote, passed almost entirely along party lines, with only 18 Democrats voting against it. The relief package is $1.2 trillion less than the original Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act passed by the House earlier this year. It includes several key provisions for senior living, including support for COVID-19 testing, tracing and treatment; additional economic impact payments; and employee retention tax credits. The bill is intended to provide states and communities critical resources for four months, until February. 

The House vote followed a conversation Thursday between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA), and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in which they did not reach an agreement on the next round of virus aid. The Democratic-held House left for the month Friday, but could return to pass legislation if Pelosi and Mnuchin can craft an agreement. The full Senate will not convene until Oct. 19, however, after three GOP senators tested positive for COVID-19.

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