The Department of Labor has extended its comment period for a joint employer rule to Jan. 14. Advocates on both sides are hardly waiting to express their views, however.

In September, the National Labor Relations Board proposed a rule for determining when companies can be held liable for labor law violations committed by subcontractors. Most businesses — including senior living companies — support the proposed rule, whereas pro-labor groups are opposed.

A blog appearing this week on the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s website suggests the rule will lead to more jobs, not lower wages.

“The current rulemaking simply seeks a return to the longstanding precedent governing joint employer relationships,” its authors note.

A new study by the Economic Policy Institute, however, asserts that the measure would weaken unions and reduce wages by $1.3 billion annually.

“The rule change would also make it nearly impossible for unionized workers or workers who want to unionize to collectively bargain with all of their employers,” the study claims.

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